Monday, January 18, 2010

The beginning of a new lifestyle

Edmonton hosted the ITU Triathlon for 5 years and I was involved in the coverage of those races. I never once thought about participating or competing in the event.
It seems that over the years I had gained a few extra pounds. I never really thought that I was that overweight. Who does really?  I guess I just carried it well or my friends were too polite to say anything. The only person to tell me what was going on was a dear friend, Betty Buffam.  Deb and I would see Betty at Christmas and she would say something like,"My Nick you're getting round." Betty is in her 80s or 90s.

I gained weight one pound at a time. Over time it all adds up. Here is a picture of me in August 2007.
I top out at a bit over 200lbs. I knew I needed a change but I did not know how to create it.

August 2007 was the beginning of a new lifestyle.

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