Saturday, January 30, 2010

A great way to spend a Saturday morning.

Saturday Spin today was great fun. About 30 of us met at 9AM at Belmead school in west Edmonton.
Some onehad set up a big screen projector and we watched a 2000 Tour de France video. While we did our ride.
Today had an endurance focus to the ride. We did 4X15min sets of steady cadence 90 - 100 RPM with a few short hill climbs. The idea was to stay in HR Zones 2 and 3. I managed to keep my hart rate in the right zones at the right time so I felt pretty good about the workout. An 1 hour 25 minutes overall time on the bike.
After the spin Kerry led us through a series of yoga like stretches and some core work.  It was a great way to spend a Saturday morning.

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